Ein kleines Stück Frankreich
A little slice of France
Freunde französischer Lebensart
Lovers of the French art de vivre
mitten im Herzen von München
Nestled in the heart of Munich
Eine Auswahl erlesener Weine
A selection of vintage wines
Monatliche Weinproben
Monthly wine tastings
Leckere Weine aus Frankreich
Exquisite wines from France
typisch französische Leichtigkeit
Carefree French flair
genießen Sie den Abend draußen
Enjoy an evening outdoors in our garden terrace
Wines Munich
Wine seminars in Munich
Monthly wine tastings
Bon appétit – catering

Thanks to the pleasant, welcoming atmosphere and carefree aesthetic flair typical of the French, Maxvorstadt’s oldest wine bar is a very popular venue.
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We’re all familiar with the frustrating challenge of picking the right bottle off the wine rack, overwhelmed by the sheer quantity and variety on offer. Nor is the price always a reliable indicator of quality.
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Are you passionate about fine wines? Do you like to stay updated with the latest information? Are you someone who dares to think outside the wine box? Then our individual wine seminars at Vinothèque Aquitaine in Munich are just the ticket.
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